Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Movin' to Mac

I have officially moved (or should I say moved back) to the world of the Mac!! My new laptop arrived the other day and looks like the white one below:

I have copied most of my files, music, and pictures over to my new machine, but I still have LOTS to install and lots to learn. In college and grad school, my main exposure to computers was through the Mac. I was so much of a Mac user that when I got my first job as an IT consultant and was given a laptop, I didn't know how to turn it on because the big "ON" button didn't exist!

I did have fun playing with all of the features on my Mac. One of them is a built-in camera above the screen. Here is a pic of me after spending two hours uploading files. I like to think of that look as being a tired, but pleased look! Yes, I love my Mac!


mindakms said...

Okay, so you know we want to hear more about the job change, right?

Nice car!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all the new purchases!! At the rate we are going all new purchases are for children around here. I second the thought about the new job canage. ALl good right!?!

ps so jealous on the laptop...Tom will never go for a Mac, he's a snob

Shawn Monk said...

I can't believe you've gone to the dark side...okay, so Mac really isn't the dark side, in perspective, they're probably the light side, but still...some people just like to be different. I respect that. But I still like to poke fun...that's just the way I roll. :)