Monday, August 28, 2006

Update #2 from the Command Center

I am pleased to report that all went well this weekend with the upgrade. There are a couple of open issues, but they are all under control. An issue of concern is that the first time people login, it takes a little bit of time for things to cache. This may cause a nervous reaction in people. To help quell any issues from this and to calm nerves, we have strategically placed team members in with the business units. Jeanne is sitting with the Merch group, so I am "on call" this morning in the Command Center in case she needs a backup. Tomorrow is my early morning in the Command Center starting at 5 am.

Sunday early morning (1 am) was the start time for those of us setting up the system (post-upgrade/DBA work) followed by Business User validations at 8:30 am. Here are some fun pictures from that night:

Command Center mania:

Nancy trying to convince me that she is awake:

Dave attempts a rest in his chair:

but eventually gave up and hit the couch:

Jeff didn't even attempt the chair and went straight to a couch:

and here is me pointing out the reminder to the users that they were validating and production:

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