Friday, August 11, 2006

a first

Yes, today was the first time that I ever "blew out" my pants. I did a really deep, wide-legged squat to unplug my laptop and RRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPP. Nice. I am now wearing my cardigan wrapped around my waist - what a lovely look!

I am just giggling about this. I feel like Charlie Brown! Wasn't there an episode where he rips his pants?


Anonymous said...

Teehee...well at least you had proper form! (As in, squatting instead of bending over!) And, at least you have a good attitude, and didn't let it ruin your day!

That's why I love ya Marcy!

nancy_scraps said...

I think you get to go home for the rest of the day (especially since it's Friday).

Good thing you had a sweater to cover you up!

( you think Donna Downey's blog on using one's assets had any influence on your experience?)

Anonymous said...

it is a good thing I wasn't sipping my 'Dew' when I was reading that last post. marcy my dear, you make me laugh!!
