Monday, July 24, 2006

letting go

Mr. Ethan is home and re-acclimated to life at home. He had a GREAT weekend at Camp Wapo. He also learned one of life's most important lessons - one's own bed is the best! He couldn't wait to get home and sleep in his own bed. Too cute.

I am still amazed that he is old enough to be away from home for any length of time. I guess it is time for Mom to start letting go and understanding that these little steps away are going to continue to become longer and more steps away from me.


nancy_scraps said...

How old is Mr. E? Maybe I can schlepp my kid off to camp next summer? How long until I can send them both? Maybe the same week?

That would be weird.

nancy_scraps said...

By the way, is Ethan going to scrapbook his camp pictures? If the pictures are amusing, how much more the scrapbook page.
My 8yo has done some pretty cute pages. They will be fun to keep for her.