Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm back and why I left

I'm back!! Yes, I missed the blogging scene too much to stay away. If that is the case, then you may be asking yourself "why did she leave"? Well, my friends, I hadn't written in my blog since January and on the other site, it was not free. I then started to think about joining Netflix and realized that if I sacrificed my blog, then I would be able to pay for most (okay, about 1/2) of my monthly dues! So, bye-bye blog. Luckily, Minda {} knew that blogspot was a free site, so I am going to give this a try for a little bit!

Thanks for following me to a new site!!



mindakms said...

Consider yourself followed.

nancy_scraps said...

I'll be watching you too...

Only if you watch me too, and post an occasional comment so that I know someone cares. :-)