Friday, August 24, 2007

Alexander's Notions on His First Grade Teacher

This year, Alexander will be a Firstie and we have been anxiously awaiting news from the school as to whom his teacher is (Ethan's will be the same since he is in a mixed age program, so we weren't anxiously awaiting to hear who his teacher is).

Well, the teacher announcements came out this week. First, I need to tell you that there was quite a bit of shuffling of teachers from one grade to another due to retirements and other changes. For instance, one of the Kindergarten teachers from last year, Miss Ludgate, has moved up to be a first grade teacher and this is the teacher that Alexander got. What was his response??

"Whew. She's only a Kindergarten teacher, so she doesn't know that much!"

Boy, is he in for a surprise!!

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